Almost half of Arab youth considering emigrating, survey says
The Arab Youth Survey 2020 finds the Levant region has the highest number of people aged 18-24 considering emigrating.
The Arab Youth Survey 2020 has found that more than four in 10 people aged 18-24 have considered emigrating from their home countries.
The survey, which interviewed 4,000 Arab youths from 17 countries and was released on Tuesday, found that 42 percent of all Arab youth surveyed had considered emigrating to another country, with 15 percent actively trying to leave.
The Levant region had the highest number of youth who wanted to emigrate, at 63 percent. In Lebanon, the number stood at 77 percent.
Youth in the Gulf countries of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were the least likely to emigrate, at three percent, the survey said.
The survey found that disappointment with poor leadership, rampant corruption and widespread economic failure were among the reasons that many young people were considering emigrating.
A total of 77 percent of all Arab youth said there was corruption in their country.
The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened economic difficulties, with 20 percent of the youth surveyed saying they or a family member had lost work since the outbreak began.
Overall, 72 percent of Arab youth said they felt it was more difficult to find a job. The highest numbers of young people saying it was hard to find employment were in Lebanon (91 percent) and Jordan (90 percent).
Of those surveyed, 35 percent of Arab youth reported being in personal debt, a jump from 21 percent in 2019.
The youth surveyed in Lebanon, Algeria, Iraq and Sudan overwhelmingly expressed their support for the 2019 anti-government protests in their countries – all at over 80 percent.