Fire and Fury: Bannon tries to make amends with Trump

Steve Bannon, the main source for the bombshell behind-the-scenes book on Donald Trump’s White House, is trying to make amends with the US president.

Steve Bannon, the main source for the bombshell behind-the-scenes book on Donald Trump’s White House, is trying to make amends with the US president.

Trump’s former chief strategist says his support for the US president is unwavering and described several disparaging remarks in the book as inaccurate quotes.

Michael Wolff, author of the book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, said in interviews to CNN and NBC “If I left out anything, it’s probably stuff that was even more damning. It’s that bad.”

The author also said that staffers inside the White House discuss invoking the 25th Amendment “all the time”.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to criticise the book.

Al Jazeera’s Mike Hanna reports from Washington.