Syria rebels mull next move after Qusayr loss

As the Free Syrian Army retreats, focus turns to other frontlines around Homs and Aleppo.

The rebels’ loss of the Syrian town of Qusayr is a significant strategic win for the government in the country’s ongoing conflict.

By regaining Qusayr, the government is now in control of several vital roads and supply routes.

As the Free Syrian Army retreats, the focus is turning to Syria’s other frontlines.

It is likely that government forces supported by Hezbollah fighters will now try to secure towns in and around Homs, as well as the rebel stronghold of Aleppo.

Rebel forces have been in control of the main military airports in Aleppo for the past few months.

Al Jazeera’s Jamal El-shayyal looks at what is next for the rebels.

Source: Al Jazeera
