Timeline: Lebanon assassinations

Following is a list of the main politically motivated attacks in the polarised country.

Explosion in Lebanon

General Francois al-Hajj was killed on December 12 by a
roadside blast near the presidential palace [Reuters]


February 14: Rafiq al-Hariri, a Lebanese prime minister on two occasions, is killed in massive car bomb blast in Beirut. 

Twenty-two others, including Basil Fuleihan, MP and former minister, are killed in the same blast and 220 other people are wounded.

June 2: Samir Kassir, an anti-Syrian journalist, is killed by a car bomb in the Achrafieh Christian quarter of Beirut.

June 21: Georges Hawi, former Communist Party secretary-general, is killed by a car bomb near his home in the capital.

July 12: Elias Murr, Lebanon’s defence minister, is wounded in a car bombing in a northeast Beirut suburb. One person is killed and nine others are wounded.

September 25: May Chidiac, a journalist, is badly wounded by a bomb placed in her car in north Beirut.

December 12: Gibran Tueni, Christian MP and anti-Syrian journalist, is killed along with two other people in a car bomb blast near Beirut.


September 5: Lieutenant-Colonel Samir Shehadeh, an official linked to the inquiry into the Hariri murder, wounded and four of his bodyguards killed in a blast in south Beirut.


November 21: Pierre Gemayel, Lebanon’s industry minister, and his bodyguard are shot dead in Jdeide, north of the capital.


June 13: Walid Eido, a Sunni MP of the ruling March 14 coalition, is killed a car bomb blast on Beirut’s seafront. Eido’s eldest son Khaled, two bodyguards and six other people are also killed.

September 19: Antoine Ghanem, an MP from the March 14 bloc is killed by a car bomb blast in thr Beirut suburb of Sin el-Fil.  Five other people, including two of his bodyguards, are killed and more than 50 others are wounded.

December 12: A car bomb attack near Beirut kills Brigadier-General Francois al-Hajj and three others, and wounds at least seven.


January 25: Captain Wissam Eid, who was investigating leads on previous assassinations in Lebanon, is killed in a car bomb blast in a Beirut suburb.

February 12: Imad Moghaniyah, a senior member of Hezbollah’s military and security apparatus, is killed in a car bomb attack in the Syrian capital Damascus. Hezbollah blames Israel for the attack, a claim denied by Tel Aviv.

Source: News Agencies
