Silvia Mazzini

Silvia Mazzini

Silvia Mazzini is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of the Arts in Berlin. 


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The prob­lems that have held Italy in their grips for decades now are se­ri­ous, com­plex, and, to many, seem­ing­ly in­sur­mount­able. But amid wide­spread un­em­ploy­ment, cor­rup­tion, pub­lic debt, eco­nom­ic de­cline, so­cial in­sta­bil­i­ty, and even trag­ic foot­ball de­feats, we Ital­ians thought that at least one dark chap­ter of Ital­ian his­to­ry has been de­fin­i­tive­ly closed: Sil­vio Berlus­coni. Oh, […]

Opinion by Silvia Mazzini
Published On 15 Nov 2017
Forza Italia party leader Silvio Berlusconi gestures as he speaks during a rally in Catania