In Pictures
A window into a desperate journey
Thousands of people continue a gruelling journey across Europe in search of a life free of war and persecution.
Thousands of refugees from across the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa are continuing to make the difficult journey across Europe in hope of a better life.
After making the life-threatening journey by boat from Turkey to one of many Greek islands, they island hop to the Greek mainland where they try crossing in to Macedonia, the first of many barriers into Germany and other wealthier northern European states that are more receptive of their plight.
With Hungary clamping down on the movement of those in need, and other states following suit, refugees are moving with a greater sense of urgency, and taking more perilous routes. The latest across the landmine-strewn hills of Croatia.
Despite weeks of negotiating, the EU has still not found a comprehensive strategy to deal with one of the largest movements of people since the Second World War.