In Pictures
In Pictures: Bedouin protest displacement
Israeli police crack down on demonstrations against planned forced evictions.

Beersheba, Israel – Protests took place across Israel and Palestine against the Prawer-Begin Plan, which if implemented by the Israeli government will displace tens of thousands of Bedouin citizens from their homes in the Negev desert.
According to the plan, which the government failed to consult the Bedouin community on when drafting, nearly all residents in the unrecognised Negev villages will be evicted and forcibly relocated to planned communities.
A general strike was announced in the Palestinian villages inside Israel and in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In the southern city of Beersheba, hundreds of Bedouins and activists protested in the city centre and blocked a main road. The Israeli police moved in on the demonstration, arresting 14 demonstrators, including a Bedouin minor. A number of protesters were injured in ensuing clashes with police.
In Jaffa, located in southern Tel Aviv, Jewish and Arab activists protested near the clock tower and blocked Yefet street – Jaffa’s main road. In Ramallah, Palestinians marched throughout city. However, the Palestinian authority police blocked activists from marching to the Israeli settlement of Beit El.
After the end of the Ramadan fast, hundreds of protesters gathered at Damascus gate, outside the old city in East Jerusalem. Clashes started after the Israeli police arrested a youth, followed by three more protester arrests.
Protests took place in other cities as well, such as Um el Fahem and Sakhnin in Israel.