If we are to have a chance of ridding the world of hunger, Summit leaders must return to a participatory science model.

If we are to have a chance of ridding the world of hunger, Summit leaders must return to a participatory science model.
Trump managed to delude the white poor that their interest lies with the wealthy elite. This is killing US capitalism.
Uneven access to water makes household farming questionable for delivering food security in the African context.
It’s a problem if endowment investments generate the very poverty foundations are trying to alleviate.
In some cases, entrepreneurship deepens divides in African societies by aiding those who least need assistance.
Poorer Botswana citizens struggle with increasingly unreliable rain-fed agriculture.
Social entrepreneurship remains blind to the structural difficulties that the poorest of the poor face.
Artisanal gold mining is risky and leads to labour shortages in small scale farming.
Graduates hoping to embark on an international humanitarian career should not do it to ‘save the world’.
Urbanisation and the proliferation of supermarkets contribute to the fast growing obesity rates.