Contrary to popular perception, discrimination against Asian Americans is alive and well in the US.
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The anti-racist struggle needs to move beyond ideas of white privilege and white allies, writes scholar.
Jason Richwine’s dissertation is an example of scientific racism, and should never have been written.
Immigrants with criminal records who face deportation should have a recourse for appeal.
The term “illegal immigrant” dehumanises and criminalises people who are denied the opportunity to obtain authorisation.
When writing immigration policy in the US, legislators should pay attention to international human rights standards.
The US will continue to pay the high human costs of its mass deportation programme for years to come.
Mass deportation and detention is costly and inhumane and the US can save $3.4m a month for 1,000 detainees it releases.
The government is releasing only hundreds – who represent a small fraction of the daily average detainee population.