Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor is an elected member of India's parliament and chairs its Foreign Affairs Committee. He is the prize-winning author of sixteen books, ... including, most recently, Inglorious Empire: What the British Did To India.


Content Feed

Legislative endeavours by the government may have wide popular appeal, but skepticism suggests politics are at play.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 2 Oct 2013
"[The Food Security Act] would... abolish the risk of starvation and malnutrition in a land where too many have gone hungry for too long, writes Tharoor [AFP]

Results of India’s state assembly polls confounded pollsters, surprised pundits and shook the political establishment.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 18 Mar 2012

As the US and China rush to take advantage of Myanmar’s new openness, India plays a quieter role supporting democracy.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 12 Jan 2012
india meets burma

India was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with the ECC, the predecessor to today’s EU.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 2 Dec 2011
Indian PM and Sarkozy

Manmohan Singh may snub Australia over a refusal to sell uranium to the south Asian nation.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 15 Oct 2011
Manmohan Singh India prime minister

Despite British-style parliamentary procedures, Indian parliament ferquently dissolves into chaos and farce.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 18 Aug 2011
Indian parliament

India, which has key interests in the war ravaged nation, doesn’t believe Afghanistan is ready for US troops to leave.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 17 Jul 2011
Afghanistan and US

In the recent India-Africa summit in Ethiopia, India emerged as a source rather than a recipient of foreign aid.

Opinion by Shashi Tharoor
Published On 18 Jun 2011
India flags