Santiago Zabala

Santiago Zabala

Santiago Zabala is ICREA Research Professor of Philosophy at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His latest books are 'Being at Large. Freedom i... n the Age of Alternative Facts' (2020), and 'Outspoken: A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century,' with Adrian Parr (2023). His webpage is


Content Feed

Who are the thinkers shaping the strategies of the alliance?

Opinion by Santiago Zabala and Claudio Gallo
Published On 9 May 2022
The writer and philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy

Can we still trust our public institutions in the new year?

Opinion by Santiago Zabala and Claudio Gallo
Published On 5 Jan 2022
A man dressed as Santa Claus holds a sign that reads "We are not mice, we are children" in a town square in Turin, Italy

On this year’s UNESCO World Philosophy Day, we need philosophy more than ever before.

Opinion by Santiago Zabala and Claudio Gallo
Published On 18 Nov 2021
A group of protesters are protesting against the use of the green pass and the restrictions for the unvaccinated on July 24, 2021 in Milan, Italy. [Lorenzo Palizzolo/Getty Images]