Against all expectations, Trump’s China policy has reduced regional tensions while prying markets open for US companies.

Against all expectations, Trump’s China policy has reduced regional tensions while prying markets open for US companies.
If China intervenes in North Korea, it would not to be to save Kim Jong-un.
Confucius is synonymous with Brand China, but can the Chinese government live up to the wisdom of Confucius?
Trump calls China’s bluff on a naval arms race in the South China Sea.
China wants people to care for the environment, one person at a time.
Trump wants a weaker dollar. China wants a stronger yuan. Will they make a deal?
Despite the internationalisation of the yuan, the US dollar remains China’s currency of choice.
China’s exports are falling and millions of jobs are at risk.
What the 2016 elections mean for the US-China economic relationship.
China’s territorial claims are driven by a sense of historical victimisation.