The fight to break the French state’s wall of denial and indifference about radicalised police brutality continues.

The fight to break the French state’s wall of denial and indifference about radicalised police brutality continues.
France’s decision to make masks mandatory in public raises important questions about its ban on Muslim face veils.
Austerity-focused neoliberal policies left France defenceless against public health threats such as pandemics.
The coronavirus outbreak has brought to the fore the many social ills of French society.
Why did Aissa Maiga’s speech calling out racism in the French film industry receive no support at the 2020 Cesar Awards?
Why did Lilian Thuram’s matter-of-fact analysis about white supremacy cause a storm of controversy in France?
The wave of protests sweeping through France is not a rejection of green policies. It’s a revolt against the 1 percent.
A rap music video calling for “whites to be hanged” triggered a new discussion on so-called “reverse racism” in France.
Are some members of the French national team only French when they win?
Muslim rapper Medine is an artist, not a politician. And he should be treated as such.