“How do you accurately and fairly report on Egypt’s ongoing political struggle without talking to everyone involved?”

Peter Greste left his native Australia in 1991, to pursue his dream of becoming a foreign correspondent. Since then, he has covered Afghanistan and Ce... ntral Asia, the Balkans, Iraq, Latin America and now Africa where he has lived for the past nine years. In 2011, he won a prestigious Peabody Award for a documentary on Somalia - a place that has become a major focus of his work since moving to East Africa. The region he covers includes the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia and South Sudan); Kenya and Tanzania; and the Great Lakes states (Uganda, Bururndi, Rwanda and the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo).
“How do you accurately and fairly report on Egypt’s ongoing political struggle without talking to everyone involved?”
Al Jazeera’s Peter Greste writes second letter from Egypt’s Tora Prison, where he is being held without charge.
As Kenya celebrates 50 years of independence, has the country has live up to the promises of its founding father?
Interpreting conflict as merely ethnic is not only superficial but also dangerous if it drives policy and peace deals.
In a symbolic referendum, 99.9 percent of voters in the disputed region of Abyei favour joining South Sudan over Sudan.
Footage seen a month after the deadly mall siege suggests al-Shabab achieved a lot more than what it had aimed for.
Kenya and Somalia face challenge of figuring out how to defeat an organisation in “an intelligence war”.
There is a growing view from Nairobi that al-Shabab’s Westgate Mall attack was an act of desperation
Country revamped its political systems after the 1994 genocide. While not perfect, the changes are worth watching.
Violence stemming from rivalry between Murle and Lou Nuer tribes has sent at least 100,000 people fleeing their homes.