Pepe Escobar

Pepe Escobar

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is the roving correspondent for Hong Kong/Thailand-based Asia Times and analyst for Toronto/Washington-based The Real Ne... ws. Since the mid-1980s, he has lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles and Singapore/Bangkok. Since 9/11 he has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. He is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War [Nimble Books, 2007]; Red Zone Blues: a Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge [Nimble Books, 2007]; and Obama does Globalistan [Nimble Books, 2009]. He was contributing editor to The Empire and the Crescent; Tutto in Vendita; and Shia Power: Next Target Iran? and is associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road, he lives between Sao Paulo, Paris and Bangkok.


Content Feed

Beppe Gril­lo’s move­ment is not ca­pa­ble of gov­ern­ing Italy, but it has shown how un­govern­able it is un­der aus­ter­i­ty.

Opinion by Pepe Escobar
Published On 10 Mar 2013

Per­suad­ed in Davos that Eu­rope will not col­lapse, West­ern cap­i­tal­ism is free to fo­cus on fab­u­lous prof­its in Asia.

Opinion by Pepe Escobar
Published On 31 Jan 2013

Hope and change, Chi­nese-style, erupts at the high­ly-chore­o­graphed Com­mu­nist Par­ty Con­gress.

Opinion by Pepe Escobar
Published On 9 Nov 2012
Hu Jintao

Wash­ing­ton should get real and un­der­stand why Venezuela prefers Chavez.

Opinion by Pepe Escobar
Published On 8 Oct 2012
President Hugo Chavez speaks after winning elections