What motivated the BJP to renounce Kashmir’s autonomy and what are the implications of this decision?

What motivated the BJP to renounce Kashmir’s autonomy and what are the implications of this decision?
There are at least three reasons to worry about the future of the country.
How did India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi rise to the political top?
The BJP lost in three Hindi-speaking states but that does not necessarily mean they will lose the 2019 national vote.
The BJP will try to convince the Hindu majority to vote along sectarian lines in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
BJP’s recent electoral upset in the Indian state of Karnataka could be the beginning of a Congress comeback.
Outrage over two child rape cases have rocked India and exposed the duplicity of the ruling BJP party.
The BJP victories in India’s northeast are noteworthy, but they do not guarantee long-term success for the party.
In order to be a serious challenger to the BJP, the Congress Party needs to free itself from the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.
Yogi Adityanath’s appointment as the leader of Uttar Pradesh reconfirms Indian Muslims’ anxieties about Modi’s India.