Namo Abdulla

Namo Abdulla

Namo Abdulla is Washington bureau chief and correspondent for Rudaw, a 24-hour news channel in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.


Content Feed

A Syrian town caught between what’s right and what’s political.

Opinion by Namo Abdulla
Published On 15 Oct 2014
Saving Kobane is about preventing ISIL from gaining a major victory, writes Abdulla [Getty]

The capture of Mosul represents the failure of efforts to force three distinct communities to form a single state.

Opinion by Namo Abdulla
Published On 13 Jun 2014
Kurdish Peshmerga troops gather on the outskirts of Kirkuk [Reuters]

Kurds declare autonomous zone in northern Syria despite some objections from brethren in Iraq.

Opinion by Namo Abdulla
Published On 23 Jan 2014
Syrian Kurds were subjected to brutal suppression by President Bashar al-Assad and his father, Hafiz [AFP]