What a visit of a group of journalists and activists to Damascus can tell us about ‘laundering’ genocidal regimes.
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Why using the ‘they lied about Iraq’s WMDs’ argument doesn’t work in Syria.
By publishing Seymour Hersh’s latest ‘fiction’ on Syria, German daily Die Welt served as a conduit for disinformation.
Bashar al-Assad is the enemy of all humanity, not just Syrians.
Drone strikes in Pakistan and other countries is not in the US national interest, and mires the country in endless war.
The former Republican senator is guilty of a cardinal sin which has cut short many promising careers in Washington.
Tony Blair’s support of dictators and his remorselessness in launching the Iraq war shows his lack of scruples.
In an effort to boost foreign policy credentials, US presidential candidate hires US-Lebanese neoconservative hawk.
Human rights lawyers and activists in the UK and Pakistan are on a quest for justice and transparency.
A complicit government in Pakistan, enabled by US interlocutors, continues to support US drone strikes.