MJ Rosenberg

MJ Rosenberg


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Sony’s decision to pull the film ‘The Interview’ has more to do with business and profit than with national interests.

Opinion by MJ Rosenberg
Published On 23 Dec 2014
Sony pulled the film 'The Interview', which is quite a coup for whoever orchestrated the assault on the company, writes Rosenberg [EPA]

As long as Israel’s security is not put at risk – “and no president would put it at risk” – the president will prevail.

Opinion by MJ Rosenberg
Published On 10 Jan 2013
inside story americas - us defence secretary chuck hagel, president barack obama

The country’s main lobbyists in the US may end up hastening a one-state solution, much to their own dismay.

Opinion by MJ Rosenberg
Published On 22 Apr 2012
Orthodox protest