Michael Marder

Michael Marder

Michael Marder is Ikerbasque research professor of philosophy at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) in Spain and professor-at-large at the... Humanities Institute, Diego Portales University (UDP), in Chile. His latest book is Energy Dreams: Of Actuality (2017).


Content Feed

In the age of austerity, the life of an entire generation across Southern Europe is devalued.

Published On 7 Feb 2014
Poverty in Southern Europe has reached new highs [Reuters]

Portugal needs to switch to a knowledge-intensive economy to overcome the current crisis.

Opinion by Michael Marder
Published On 12 May 2013
Windmills are seen 12 January 2006 near

If plants are like “the lower animals”, then they are animals that grow upside-down and inside-out, writes author.

Opinion by Michael Marder
Published On 29 Apr 2013
A Dionaea muscipula, the Venus Flytrap,