Maria Isabel Heshmatpour

Maria Isabel Heshmatpour


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Short­ages of milk and oth­er ba­sic goods plague the mid­dle-in­come coun­try, and crit­ics blame gov­ern­ment ex­pro­pri­a­tions.

Published On 5 Mar 2013
Venezuela''s President Hugo Chavez poses with workers during a visit to a socialist factory of milk products in the state of Tachira

With Pres­i­dent Hugo Chavez still in a Cuban hos­pi­tal, Venezue­lans weigh the good and the bad of the last 14 years.

Published On 10 Jan 2013

Short­ages of milk and oth­er ba­sic goods plague the mid­dle-in­come coun­try, and crit­ics blame gov­ern­ment ex­pro­pri­a­tions.

Published On 6 Nov 2012
Venezuela''s President Hugo Chavez poses with workers during a visit to a socialist factory of milk products in the state of Tachira