As we struggle with today’s crises, we should ask if we are responding in ways that exacerbate our long-term problems.

As we struggle with today’s crises, we should ask if we are responding in ways that exacerbate our long-term problems.
Cutting government spending during recessions willfully ignores the lessons of the past, says author.
The southeast Asian country’s transition is quieter than Arab Spring nations – but it is no less real.
There are several explanations for the ECB’s insistence on a “voluntary” restructuring of Greece’s sovereign debt.
In 2012, global economic rebalancing will accelerate, inevitably leading to political tensions.
Growth is needed in order to save the euro, not sermons and homilies, says Nobel Prize-winning economist.
Protesters around the world say they are part of a generation that played by the rules but has no hope for the future.
The underlying cause of the financial collapse is growing inequality; the solution is strong government expenditures.
Ten years after 9/11, al-Qaeda has been greatly weakened; but the price paid by the US was enormous, and unnecessary.
Financial distress isn’t the only thing that moves easily across borders – so do misguided economic policies.