Villagers struggle to cope as world’s largest freshwater lake drops to its lowest level in 60 years.

Villagers struggle to cope as world’s largest freshwater lake drops to its lowest level in 60 years.
Massive amounts of powerful methane gas under the Arctic have some scientists worried about apocalyptic results.
One of the world’s oldest spiritual belief systems has attracted new followers since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Urbanisation and commercialisation threaten vestiges of ancient craft practised by tribes in Afghanistan.
Al Jazeera examines the deadly coronavirus which has spread to at least 20 countries and killed more than 300 people.
Treatment for autism in the region has progressed, but lack of awareness and support services remains a challenge.
Attacker bludgeons three women with a hammer as they sleep in central London’s Cumberland Hotel.
Head of Syrian National Coalition criticises lack of opposition representation at Arab League summit.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s role in politics will be the elephant in the room as a polarised Arab League meets in Kuwait.