A delayed plunge into the game has not curbed Raza’s enthusiasm to be one of Zimbabwe’s greatest cricketers.

A delayed plunge into the game has not curbed Raza’s enthusiasm to be one of Zimbabwe’s greatest cricketers.
While the international ban has boosted domestic football, some still fear for the Zimbabwean game’s longer-term future.
Africa has 54 FIFA-affiliated nations, but only five spots. Europe, with 55 members, gets 13.
As Zimbabwe continues to remain suspended, young players wonder about the future of the sport and their careers.
Poor infrastructure, absence of club cricket, lack of funding and corruption allegations have all affected the sport.
Du Plessis was born blind. He lost his father, his biggest fan, last year and is now losing his hearing.
Authorities consider mass killing of mammoth mammals to reduce growing numbers, but conservationists warn of risks.
Bringing together people once tragically divided by ethnicity is Rwandese cricket’s way of burying a very ugly past.
The unsanctioned, illegal matches provide much-needed cash after the cancellation of the regular season due to COVID.
Tributes pour in for the first black South African to win a world boxing title who died at a Johannesburg hospital.