Dinouk Colombage

Dinouk Colombage


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After a long civil war, a children’s orchestra aims to bridge gaps between Sinhalese and Tamil ethnic groups.

Published On 14 Jun 2015
Sri lanka music [Dinouk Colombage/Al Jazeera]

As Indian PM Modi arrives, the new government wants rapprochement with its neighbour, perhaps at the expense of China.

Published On 12 Mar 2015

Divided nation prepares to choose a president amid ruling party defections, war animosity, and corruption allegations.

Published On 6 Jan 2015

Many have tried to pick up the pieces but memories of the loss of loved ones linger in their minds.

Published On 26 Dec 2014

Island nation has received $4bn since 2009 and critics warn that could mean greater dependence on China.

Published On 26 Aug 2014