German support for Israel is used as a cover to ramp up anti-immigration policies and downplay homegrown anti-Semitism.

German support for Israel is used as a cover to ramp up anti-immigration policies and downplay homegrown anti-Semitism.
The deal is not a ‘historic breakthrough’, but another stab in the back of the Palestinian people.
Germany is using accusations of anti-Semitism to protect Israel from criticism and stifle discussions about colonialism.
Croat leaders need to take immediate action to counter the normalisation of racist and xenophobic views in the country.
Hanau attack was not a one-off incident but the natural result of the state’s failure to confront right-wing extremism.
White supremacists, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis and religious fundamentalists find inspiration, and support, in Tel Aviv.
The way Bosnians responded to Macron’s Islamophobic remarks about their country demonstrates their staunch Eurocentrism.
And why its hopes for recognition from Israel keep getting crushed.
The German political establishment has come after BDS just as viciously as Israel has.
The German and Austrian far right is incorporating Zionism into ultranationalism to whitewash its bloody past.