The Nobel laureate is expected to bring back peace, revive the economy and pave way for free and fair elections.

The Nobel laureate is expected to bring back peace, revive the economy and pave way for free and fair elections.
A Dhaka family has accused the army chief of targeting them for testifying against his brothers in a murder case.
Since it was established in 2004, RAB has been accused of serious human rights violations and abuse of power.
Johirul Haque Khandaker, a former army captain, was picked up from his Dhaka home in January.
The Bangladesh government blocked Al Jazeera’s English website hours after it published the results of an investigation.
Razzaq decided to part ways citing party’s failure to apologise for its role in supporting Pakistan army in 1971.
Mohamed Jubair Monir accused of murder and rape while family claims he was just 13 during the 1971 war of independence.
In his memoir Surendra Kumar Sinha, who now lives in Canada, details the circumstances that led to his resignation.
Alamgir Badsha, an opposition activist, died late July. He’s one of more than 200 people who have been killed since May.
Hasnat Karim is released after two years behind bars over the 2016 restaurant attack in Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka.