Has Kim Jong-il’s death created a new opportunity for dialogue between the US, South Korea, China and North Korea?

Has Kim Jong-il’s death created a new opportunity for dialogue between the US, South Korea, China and North Korea?
The US should balance the need for responsible military drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan, says the author.
The Congress-approved free trade deal is expected to bring the leaders of the US and South Korea closer together.
In Iraq, sectarian violence continues to flare – this year being the costliest for the US since the 2007 surge.
The real test for NATO is to achieve a successful, politically stable regime with enduring peace.
The US budget crisis hurt its citizens, but will also impact the country’s foreign policy.
NATO must be trusted and supported in the event of war and conflict, as vulnerable countries have much to lose.
Despite post-revolution time spent restructuring countries, Israeli-Palestinian peace remains key to the Middle East.
Countries transitioning to democracy require long term development capacity, not just lectures from Western governments.
Officials in Seoul face a choice: Whether or not to use starvation as a weapon to bring down the regime to its north.