A recent measure proposed by US Senator Bernie Sanders to end the war in Yemen masks US raids in the country.
Charles Davis
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George Bush’s brand of “war on terror” has spread internationally as a favourite tool to cover up of war crimes.
A costly and deadly war, unlike a healthcare overhaul, provides more justification for shutting down the government.
Chelsea Manning’s announcement as transgender has not only riled the right, but created an unexpected backlash.
The more one shares, the more one undermines a future patent application and a system that encourages privatisation.
There’s nothing virtuous about keeping a powerful liar’s secret, and those in power should learn from whistle-blowers.
The US secretary of defence has faithfully implemented the war policies of the “war president” who chose him.
Lessening the need to “send our troops into harm’s way” may actually increase the odds of future military interventions.
Liberals comfortable with Obama’s presidency – marred with death and debt – show the limits of political liberalism.
Demagogues come in different flavours, but they share a lot of the same basic ingredients.