Iraqi leaders say country is in the best state since the March 2003 American invasion; ordinary Iraqis remain sceptical.

Iraqi leaders say country is in the best state since the March 2003 American invasion; ordinary Iraqis remain sceptical.
Mostafa Taei’s paintings became a record of gruesome atrocities: beheadings, injured children and hangings.
Faculty and students of Mosul University, which was recently retaken from ISIL, vow to save its legacy.
The battle for Mosul is expected to drive hundreds of thousands more people towards Iraq’s Kurdish region.
A low-budget indie horror film, Curse of Mesopotamia, is shaking up the film industry in Iraq’s Kurdish region.
Armed groups operating in northern Iraq have recently stationed forces along the Iraqi-Iranian border.
Water-sharing deal has brought conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia over massive hydroelectric dam closer to resolution.
In the run-up to the presidential election, the military-backed government has targeted and censored journalists.
While construction of Africa’s largest hydroelectric dam continues apace, downstream neighbour Egypt is crying foul.