Italy’s tolerance for neofascist political leanings has to do with how WW2 ended – and what suited the US and UK then.

Barbara Serra is an Italian-British journalist and broadcaster, and author of the documentary Fascism in the Family. Twitter @barbaragserra
Italy’s tolerance for neofascist political leanings has to do with how WW2 ended – and what suited the US and UK then.
No one will emerge safer out of the terrible situation in Ukraine – European wars have a tendency to escalate.
Britons are still adjusting to the idea of social distancing, while Italians have faced much more severe measures.
As Italy’s single-day death toll eclipses even China’s worst day, Barbara Serra explains what the UK can learn from Italy’s COVID-19 experience.
As a young girl, she was sent to Auschwitz, but now the death threats she receives reflect a return of the hatred and intolerance that led to the Holocaust.
In wide-ranging interview Matteo Renzi discusses Greece’s future, the migrant crisis and the Egyptian president.