Kim Jong-un’s actions may seem ‘irrational’ on the surface, but he knows what he is doing and his policies are working.

Kim Jong-un’s actions may seem ‘irrational’ on the surface, but he knows what he is doing and his policies are working.
If Trump moves away from US’ cautious policy towards North Korea, it might trigger a conflict on the Korean peninsula.
It is a place where most nations deeply distrust their neighbours, and where old-style nationalism still reigns supreme.
Miners, engineers and truck drivers will be the victims of the latest round of North Korea sanctions.
New UN resolution doesn’t make the Korean Peninsula more secure and does not remove the nuclear threat.
Until recently, China was prepared to take a tougher stance on matters North Korean, but things have changed.
Detonating the bomb is a reminder he does not appear to care much about what the international community thinks.
The North Korean government has shown an unusually high level of interest in foreign investment in recent years.
The division, born of the pure military necessity, soon solidified by the beginning of the Cold War.
North Korea is still technically China’s ally, but Beijing prefers to trade with Seoul.