A new play in Washington DC brings together South Asian actors from countries in conflict to promote harmony and unity.

A new play in Washington DC brings together South Asian actors from countries in conflict to promote harmony and unity.
The Oromo and other long-suffering communities do not want independence but to be treated as citizens of the state.
The bin Laden report confirms the mutual disdain Pakistan and the United States maintain towards each other.
The xenophobic, ultranationalist Golden Dawn party is gaining clout in the birthplace of democracy.
Pakistan should work to build trust and respect, not only with the US, but also with India and Afghanistan.
Drone strikes have a ripple effect beyond those killed – they create enemies where they did not exist before.
Finding peace and securing stability in the Tribal Areas should be the first priority for the newly elected government.
A heavy-handed solution to the Kabyle in Algeria is doomed to failure and bloodshed, as history has shown.
The current dismal state of affairs in Eritrea is due to nearly 30 years of constant warfare.
The unrest in the Rif is based in the tumultuous history of Rifians as a battered people on Morocco’s northern periphery