Comments: Ramin Jahanbegloo, openDemocracy

A selection of comments sent to us in response to Anthony Barnett’s editorial  Ramin Jahanbegloo and openDemocracy.

Wake up, Anthony, forget democracy. Our ills are because of overpopulation. Very soon war, disease, floods and global warming will take care of all that.


Too late man, way too late, for a flawed system (democracy) throughout all history, to save your generation from extinction.

Dixon, Canada


Crude American vision? How about we do not want to lose our ways, our very basic rights to free speech, free speech that is lost in the Middle East?

Kerry Winn, USA

Democracy does not work. It is ushered in under the banner of revolution. Any political ideology that is held in check by military or force is doomed to failure.

Democracy is a political ideology forced on society. Democracy will not work until it disarms itself, and begin to see its other face. That face is called Theocracy.
D Jermano,  China

If you wrote your articles and books in America, you would get up the next morning and go to your business. In Iran you would have been thrown into jail. So why would you be intimidated by the White House?
Greg Latvala, USA

Your word “charlatan” took away the rest of the essay and more. Such ideas are probably incomprehensible to the charlatans currently in power in Washington and Tehran and, indeed, their “agents”.

If I had to speculate, I would call you an agent of Israel.
With that assumption, let’s dialogue.  When Israel rejects Zionism and embraces pluralism, and the US withdraws its (other) Forward Operating Bases from the region, we shall see who (else) is interested in democracy.
Christopher Rushlau, USA

Source: Al Jazeera