Your Views: Lifespan blood

Is a blood test that claims to predict when you’ll die a good idea? And would you want to know?

Viles of blood in Israeli laboratory
Medical researchers believe that similar blood tests will become widespread within the next five or 10 years [Getty]

Scientists have developed a blood test that they claim will tell you how much longer you have to live.

The test will be able to tell a person’s biological age by measuring the length of their telomeres, the repetitive DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes.

The inventors claim the test is accurate in detecting short telomeres, which are linked with age-related diseases and premature death.

The test, which is set to go on sale in Britain later this year, is predicted to cause a ripple effect of ethical concerns, and perhaps health consciousness.

Is this test a good idea? Would you want to know how long you’ve got to live?