‘Israel protests silent on occupation issue’

Journalist Joseph Dana says Israelis remain unwilling to discuss Palestine occupation.

Israel protests

It has been a summer of discontent in Israel as hundreds and thousands of protesters have held rallies across the country against the soaring cost of living.

Speaking to Al Jazeera on the significance of the protests, Joseph Dana, a writer and journalist based in Tel Aviv, said the protests have been spontaneous and unprecedented.

But he said that protesters and protest organisers have specifically been silent on the issue of the occupation of Palestinians.

“Right now close to 85 per cent of the public is in support of the demonstrations and yet the protesters still maintain the line that they are apolitical – meaning they refuse to discuss the issue of occupation,” Dana said.

“But the sad reality is that if Israelis discuss Palestinian rights, specifically the rights of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, they very quickly lose public support.

“If there is no criticism of the occupation, it would provide an absolute proof that the Israeli society is not ready or willing to discuss this occupation.”

Source: Al Jazeera