the pulse
The Pulse

A cancer researcher’s dream

Cutting-edge research uses the immune system and antibodies to fight the disease.


Each week The Pulse showcases topical stories from around the world and from laboratories working on new cures, vaccines and treatments.

New Cancer drugs

The Pulse travels to Vietnam to look into a
potentially devastating public health crisis

Cutting-edge research uses the immune system and antibodies to fight cancer, part of a cancer researcher’s dream that our bodies can cure themselves of the disease.

We have already seen some new look drugs like Herceptin which rely on antibody technology but what kind of treatment do they offer and how do they work? The Pulse investigates.

Karol Sikora of Cancer Partners UK is in the studio to discuss the issue.


Trematodes are tiny parasites that infect as much as 100 per cent of the population in some communities. Brain and liver damage are commonplace.

The Pulse travels to Vietnam to look into a potentially devastating public health crisis.

Watch part one of this episode of The Pulse on Youtube

Watch part two of this episode of The Pulse on Youtube

Episode 7 of The Pulse aired from Monday December 10, 2007

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